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Crystal of the Month - Black Obsidian

Crystal of the Month - Black Obsidian

Crystal of the Month - Black Obsidian October, the month of Samhain which signals the beginning of winter. A time where we begin to retreat inwards, rest and make plans for the year ahead. On this day, the Celts believed the veil between the living and the dead was especially thin,…

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Crystals for Mabon

Crystals for Mabon

Mabon.This month we celebrate Mabon on the 22nd, as you may have noticed the nights are slowly starting to creep back in and get earlier.Mabon is a celebration of the Autumnal Equinox, a point of the year where both day and night, light and dark are equal (this also happens…

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Who else is loving September?

Who else is loving September?

Ready to Embrace Autumn.I’m always so ready to embrace each season change and all that it brings! Now is a time to start getting cosy, focus on your home, security and share with others.Bonfires, feasting with friends on lots of comfort foods! And enjoying those pumpkin lattes!This month we celebrate…

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Crystal of the Month - Citrine

Crystal of the Month - Citrine

Citrine.August is the month of Lammas, the first harvest, a time to gather from those seeds we planted earlier in the year.  A time for abundance and prosperity! So what better stone to share with you this month than Citrine? Citrine has such a sunny bright energy, and whenever I hold it…

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The basics of Crystal Gridding

The basics of Crystal Gridding

Crystal Gridding.A question I get asked so frequently is how do I create a crystal grid? Many people are almost a little scared to put one together as they feel it is too complex!Yes you can make a very intricate grid but they can also be super simple!And as I…

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Messages from tea.

Messages from tea.

Fortune Telling with Tea.Some of you may have seen the amazing Fortune Telling Tea Cups that came into stock last month.  I completely fell in love with them for two reasons; firstly they are just super pretty and secondly they took me and my mum on a lovely, reminiscent journey.I…

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Simple Candle Magic - How to!

Simple Candle Magic - How to!

Candle Magic.I love working with Candle Magic as it can be so simple and quick to do if you want to get something manifested but are short on supplies or tools.Obviously you can make your ritual much more in depth if you’d like to and have more time, by anointing…

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Who doesn’t need a way of getting rid of those bad vibes? Anti-negativity Spray!

Who doesn’t need a way of getting rid of those bad vibes? Anti-negativity Spray!

Anti-negativity Spray!As many of you know I love a good daily smudging session to rid my aura of any bad vibes that I may have picked up throughout the day!I find cleansing my aura and space really helps, if you are feeling stressed, drained, around low vibing people give it…

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Why are Crystals different shapes???

Why are Crystals different shapes???

Different Crystal Shapes.I get lots of messages asking what crystal shapes are best to use, why they are shaped, polished or carved in a particular way, so I wanted to pop you together a little summary.Worry StonesThese are flat, smooth, polished stones similar to a Palm Stone but tend to…

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Smudging - Why and How?!?

Smudging - Why and How?!?

The Practice of Smudging.Smudging with sage is a beautiful way to remove negativity, negative energy & forces, and unwanted energy from your home, work or sacred space. Also great for cleansing your crystals and other tools.I tend to smudge my aura on a daily basis, I do this in the…

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