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How can I use Energy Healing to help me?

How can I use Energy Healing to help me?

What is energy healing? Energy healing is a holistic practice that focuses on balancing the energy fields in and around the body to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. It’s based on the concept that the body has an energy system that can be influenced and manipulated to promote healing. The body's…

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Using Crystals to Help Manifest Your Desires

Using Crystals to Help Manifest Your Desires

Using Crystals to Help Manifest Your DesiresCrystals are a powerful and effective tool to help you manifest your dreams and desires. Each crystal is believed to have its own unique properties and energies that can be used to focus intentions and attract desired outcomes. The effectiveness of using crystals for manifestation…

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The Role of Gratitude in Manifesting

The Role of Gratitude in Manifesting

When was the last time you stopped to really think about all the goodness in your life? Even just a moment where you felt deep gratitude? We get so caught up in our day-to-day lives that it's easy to forget how much we have to be grateful for. From the big…

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Oracle Cards for Beginners

Oracle Cards for Beginners

What are oracle cards? Oracle cards are a popular tool used by lots of people for divination and guidance. They are a set of cards that contain images and symbols that are meant to provide insight and clarity into various aspects of life. People use oracle cards for a variety of reasons,…

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How does physical decluttering help with manifesting?

How does physical decluttering help with manifesting?

How does physical decluttering help with manifesting?Heading into spring, it’s the absolute perfect time for a declutter. Spring cleaning is a great way to start the season off with a clean slate! It refreshes your living space and clears out the clutter, making space for everything you are ready to…

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Cleanse and programme your crystals

Cleanse and programme your crystals

Cleansing and programming your crystals ensures they are able to support you as powerfully as they can.Why should you cleanse your crystals? Cleansing your crystals is important in order to maintain the crystals’ energy and properties and keep them performing at their absolute best for you. It is believed that crystals…

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Manifesting Journalling for Beginners

Manifesting Journalling for Beginners

Manifesting Journalling for Beginners Journalling is a way to process and release your thoughts and emotions. Taking some time out for yourself to jot down your thoughts can be incredibly beneficial. What is journalling?Journalling is the practice of writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It’s a great way to process your emotions,…

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How to create the perfect vision board.

How to create the perfect vision board.

Why make a vision board? What better way to love yourself than to confirm your dreams and desires to the Universe.If you have been thinking about creating a vision board then I’d love you to take this as your sign from the Universe and get going. Let's really connect with what…

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Emotional Decluttering to Kickstart Your Manifesting.

Emotional Decluttering to Kickstart Your Manifesting.

Emotional Decluttering to Kickstart Your Manifesting. When you think of decluttering, you probably imagine clearing out the back of your cupboards and that drawer in the kitchen that ends up with everything shoved in it. Yes, this is important, but emotionally decluttering is key to your manifesting journey too.Decluttering of any…

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Self-Care isn’t Selfish!

Self-Care isn’t Selfish!

Do you need more self-care?Most of us could do with more time for self-care. Unfortunately, we tend to put everyone else’s needs before our own! But, as the saying goes, you can’t look after everyone else if you don’t look after yourself. Most women I speak to tend to see any…

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