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Who doesn’t need a way of getting rid of those bad vibes? Anti-negativity Spray!

Who doesn’t need a way of getting rid of those bad vibes? Anti-negativity Spray!

Anti-negativity Spray!As many of you know I love a good daily smudging session to rid my aura of any bad vibes that I may have picked up throughout the day!I find cleansing my aura and space really helps, if you are feeling stressed, drained, around low vibing people give it…

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Why are Crystals different shapes???

Why are Crystals different shapes???

Different Crystal Shapes.I get lots of messages asking what crystal shapes are best to use, why they are shaped, polished or carved in a particular way, so I wanted to pop you together a little summary.Worry StonesThese are flat, smooth, polished stones similar to a Palm Stone but tend to…

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